OceanTrack - Settings

The SETTINGS page allow multiple configuration parameters to be set with effect throughout the App. The buttons below control which option or group to set.


The MMSI setting allows you to enter your own MMSI so that the ship is excluded from the target list and so that it can receive directed AIS safety related messages. It also allows entering any other ship's MMSI and follow it using AIS as a source as if it was your own.


These settings allow the source of GPS (positioning) and HDG (compass) to be configured.

GPS supports three distinct sources; the device location services / own GPS itself, NMEA if available (and the NMEA connector has been purchased and activated), and AIS which leads to the AIS information of the configured MMSI to be the source of positioning, SOG and COG.

HDG is similar in that the device's compass (if available) can be used, NMEA if activated and AIS if the target has HDG information (only class A transponder equipped vessels have HDG reports). In addition to this, the HDG source can also be configured as COURSE which essentially makes the HDG reading be the same as the COG reading. This is particularly useful if there is no compass available through NMEA or AIS and if the device is to be used in any position other than having to have it facing forwards in order to produce a valid heading.


Allows configuring of whether cloud AIS is enabled or not, and if it is to make use cellular data or restrict its use to only when WiFi is available.


Configures several unit defaults as well as the LAT/LON format and the time zone (Device Local or UTC).


This option requires the purchase of the NMEA Connector add-on. A prompt for doing it will be shown if this hasn't been done for the device; otherwise it allows configuring the UDP listening port, i.e. the UDP port on which the app will expect to receive NMEA messages on any given configured IP address of the device.

A multicast address can be configured here too. If the sender is configured with the a multicast address all devices that have that same address configured will receive the data. This allows for one sender to feed multiple iPhones and iPads simultaneously using a single UDP stream.


Similarly to the UDP interface, TCP requires NMEA Connector. This section allows configuring both the remote IP address and TCP port number of the NMEA server to which the app is to connect in order to receive NMEA messages.

Both UDP and TCP can be configured at the same time, so it is possible to have the app connect to a remote server while listening to UDP packets locally at the same time.


Allows selecting orthodromic (great circle) or loxodromic (rhumb line) navigation modes (used to give the distance and bearing to targets).


System settings; currently only AUDIO clicks ON or OFF (silent).

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