Haversine Privacy Policy

Haversine is a limited liability software development company based in the UK.

We take privacy seriously concerning any data provided or gathered by our client applications; the present document provides a thorough explanation of where we stand, what we may and may not collect from our applications, and to what extend that information may be used.

This Privacy Policy is distributed electronically and is always available on the Haversine web site at http://haversine.com/privacy for consultation. Any updates will be reflected on this page.

1. On Collected Information

Usage or performance data may be collected by our web site or applications for the purposes of its functionality and for statistical analysis purposes only. The following are the ways which we currently use to acquire any information that may be considered relevant to privacy protection.

1.1 Haversine Air Accounts

Air Accounts, created on the web site or by Haversine applications such as AirTrack, create a virtual identity and associate usage and resources to it by the means of a callsign / username and a password. No personal data pertaining an individual is collected, stored or processed.

Currently, Air Accounts can be associated with forum posts, navigation data cycles, waypoint lists, position reports, flights performed or logged, routes, charts and inApp purchases, although other similar data type objects could be associated to an Air Account for the exclusive purposes of their functionality.

1.2 Data collected by Applications such as AirTrack

Applications such as AirTrack may collect, communicate and report information to centralized systems. This information is gathered for the purposes of the implicit functionality required by the application in question, or for statistical purposes.

Statistical analysis is account independent and anonymous and may contain things such as:

    - Application Version in Use
    - Device Type in Use
    - Flight Data Type in Use
    - Frequency or Use

Non-statistical information collected may include other types of data such as:

    - Coordinates or real or simulated position. For multiple processing purposes only, such as retrieving the weather or the list of aircraft around the given position.
    - Saved waypoint data for the purposes of cloud-based waypoint sync, sharing and backup.
    - Saved route data for the purposes of cloud-based route sync, sharing and backup.
    - Instant flight data for the purposes of remote flight tracking.
    - Device ID for the purposes of uniqueness identifying of provided resources.
    - Account ID when required by the functionality and specifically provided and allowed by its owner.

2. On the Use of Data

2.1 On Air Account Data

Modifying specific account data can only be achieved by the proper identification of the account by its unique and secret password between the system, web site or application.

Haversine Air Accounts are used to group resources around the callsign / identity abstraction; they serve the purpose of associating data to a single configuration group, not to an individual.

A single person may have multiple accounts, and a single account may be used by multiple persons.

Under no circumstances shall any data associated with a given account, which is not by nature public, be distributed, shared or processed outside its original intent.

An Air Account can be completely removed from the system at any time by an authorized holder (under the preferences section once logged in), thus deleting all associated data from the system.

2.2 On Data collected by Applications such as AirTrack for the purposes of functionality

Gathered data may or may not be associated with a given Air Account.

Under no circumstances shall that data be shared with third parties or leave used for any purpose other than the one it was originally acquired for, related to its functionality.

2.3 On Statistical data

Any general purpose statistical data obtained or derived from Air Account or Application use will always be presented anonymously and never associated with any given account or device.

3. On Data Storage

All the data gathered, processed and stored by Haversine servers is done in a secure manner and only accessible to authorized personnel for the purposes of system administration only.

All data storage systems are protected by password and other inherent security mechanisms and cannot be accessed by third parties.

Whenever confidential information is concerned, the transfer of it is performed using encryption, hashing, and other safety technologies which ensure against eavesdropping and unauthorized access to the data by data carriers.

The servers used to store any usage data are properly secured. By registering for an Air Account or using any of Haversine applications you understand and agree that this information may be stored elsewhere in the planet.

Since data is stored in data-centres outside our physical range, it is possible, although unlikely, that the stored data can be accessed by other people such as data-centre employees gaining access to the physical locations, and we cannot guarantee 100% confidentiality. In order to minimize this extreme possibility, all data classified as confidential shall be subject to encryption (such as passwords, for example) and never be stored in an easily accessible manner.

4. On Information Disclosure

The data gathered by Haversine is anonymous and not sensitive in nature. Nonetheless, it shall never be disclosed to third parties or anyone outside administrative boundaries, with the exceptions mandated by law.

5. Contacting Us

Feel free to contact us for any queries, doubts or comments you may have about this policy and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact us via: haversine.com/support

© 2025 Haversine